Derivatives of Legendre Polynomials

Analytical recursive approach

The Bonnet's recursion formula

\[P_\ell(x) = \left((2\ell-1) x P_{\ell-1}(x) - (\ell-1)P_{\ell - 2}(x)\right)/\ell\]

may be differentiated an arbitrary number of times analytically to obtain recursion relations for higher derivatives:

\[\frac{d^n P_\ell(x)}{dx^n} = \frac{(2\ell-1)}{\ell} \left(x \frac{d^n P_{\ell-1}(x)}{dx^n} + n \frac{d^{(n-1)} P_{\ell-1}(x)}{dx^{(n-1)}} \right) - \frac{(\ell-1)}{\ell} \frac{d^n P_{\ell-2}(x)}{dx^n}\]

This provides a simultaneous recursion relation in $\ell$ as well as $n$, solving which we may obtain derivatives up to any order. This is the approach used in this package to compute the derivatives of Legendre polynomials.

Automatic diferentiation

The Julia automatic differentiation framework may be used to compute the derivatives of Legendre polynomials alongside their values. Since the defintions of the polynomials are completely general, they may be called with dual or hyperdual numbers as arguments to evaluate derivarives in one go. We demonstrate one example of this using the package HyperDualNumbers.jl v4:

julia> x = 0.5;

julia> Pl(x, 3)

julia> using HyperDualNumbers

julia> xh = Hyper(x, one(x), one(x), zero(x));

julia> p = Pl(xh, 3)
-0.4375 + 0.375ε₁ + 0.375ε₂ + 7.5ε₁ε₂

The Legendre polynomial $P_\ell(x)$ may be obtained using

julia> realpart(p)

The first derivative $dP_\ell(x)/dx$ may be obtained as

julia> ε₁part(p)

The second derivative $d^2P_\ell(x)/dx^2$ may be obtained using

julia> ε₁ε₂part(p)

Something similar may also be evaluated for all l iteratively. For example, the function collectPl evaluates Legendre polynomials for the HyperDualNumber argument for a range of l:

julia> collectPl(xh, lmax=4)
5-element OffsetArray(::Vector{Hyper{Float64}}, 0:4) with eltype Hyper{Float64} with indices 0:4:
                1.0 + 0.0ε₁ + 0.0ε₂ + 0.0ε₁ε₂
                0.5 + 1.0ε₁ + 1.0ε₂ + 0.0ε₁ε₂
             -0.125 + 1.5ε₁ + 1.5ε₂ + 3.0ε₁ε₂
        -0.4375 + 0.375ε₁ + 0.375ε₂ + 7.5ε₁ε₂
 -0.2890625 - 1.5625ε₁ - 1.5625ε₂ + 5.625ε₁ε₂

We may extract the first derivatives by broadcasting the function ε₁part on the array as:

julia> ε₁part.(collectPl(xh, lmax=4))
5-element OffsetArray(::Vector{Float64}, 0:4) with eltype Float64 with indices 0:4:

Similarly the function ε₁ε₂part may be used to obtain the second derivatives.

Several convenience functions to compute the derivatives of Legendre polynomials were available in LegendrePolynomials v0.2, but have been removed in v0.3. The users are encouraged to implement convenience functions to extract the derivatives as necessary. As an exmaple, we may compute the polynomials and their first and second derivatives together as

julia> using HyperDualNumbers

julia> function Pl_dPl_d2Pl(x; lmax)
           xh = Hyper(x, one(x), one(x), zero(x))
           p = collectPl(xh, lmax = lmax)
           realpart.(p), ε₁part.(p), ε₁ε₂part.(p)
Pl_dPl_d2Pl (generic function with 1 method)

julia> Pl_dPl_d2Pl(0.5, lmax = 3)
([1.0, 0.5, -0.125, -0.4375], [0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.375], [0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 7.5])