
This package provides a function pmapreduce that performs a distributed mapreduce operation using MPI.


The map operation is performed in batches, therefore the operation is not load-balanced. The iterators are split evenly over the available processes, however this might change in the future.


Install the package using

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("")


To start using the package, load it and initialize MPI.

using MPIMapReduce



The syntax for a parallel mapreduce is similar to that of a serial mapreduce, but not exactly the same. Given a mapping function f and a binary elementwise reduction operator op, a parallel mapreduce call would look like

pmapreduce(f, op, iterators...; [root = 0], [comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD])

Optionally the root process and the communicator may be specified as the keyword arguments root and comm. The result of the mapreduce operation is returned at the root process, while nothing is returned at the other processes.


Unlike mapreduce, the operator op acts elementwise on the returned values. The operation pmapreduce(f, op, iterators...) is therefore equivalent to mapreduce(f, (x,y) -> op.(x,y), iterators...).


The function pmapgatherv may be used to perform a concatenation. The syntax of pmapgatherv is similar to pmapreduce, except the reduction operator is not applied elementwise. Supported reduction operators are vcat, hcat and Cat, where the last operator may be used to perform general concatenations along arbitrary dimensions.

To perform a concatenation, use

pmapgatherv(f, op, iterators...; [root = 0], [comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD])

As in pmapreduce, the concatenated result is returned at root and nothing is returned at the other processes.

Running scripts

Like most MPI code, scripts using MPIMapReduce must be run as

$ mpiexec -np <np> <julia> <script.jl>

where <np> is the number of processes, <julia> refers to the path to the julia executable, and <script.jl> is the julia script that needs to be executed.