
The ParallelUtilities module defines certain functions that are useful in a parallel mapreduce operation, with particular focus on HPC systems. The approach is similar to a @distributed (op) for loop, where the entire section of iterators is split evenly across workers and reduced locally, followed by a global reduction. The operation is not load-balanced at present, and does not support retry on error.


The pmapreduce-related functions are expected to be more performant than @distributed for loops. As an example, running the following on a Slurm cluster using 2 nodes with 28 cores on each leads to

julia> using Distributed

julia> using ParallelUtilities

julia> @everywhere f(x) = ones(10_000, 1_000);

julia> A = @time @distributed (+) for i=1:nworkers()
 22.637764 seconds (3.35 M allocations: 8.383 GiB, 16.50% gc time, 0.09% compilation time)

julia> B = @time pmapreduce(f, +, 1:nworkers());
  2.170926 seconds (20.47 k allocations: 77.117 MiB)

julia> A == B

The difference increases with the size of data as well as the number of workers. This is because the pmapreduce* functions defined in this package perform local reductions before communicating data across nodes. Note that in this case the same operation may be carried out elementwise to obtain better performance.

julia> @everywhere elsum(x,y) = x .+= y;

julia> A = @time @distributed (elsum) for i=1:nworkers()
 20.537353 seconds (4.74 M allocations: 4.688 GiB, 2.56% gc time, 1.26% compilation time)

julia> B = @time pmapreduce(f, elsum, 1:nworkers());
  1.791662 seconds (20.50 k allocations: 77.134 MiB)

A similar evaluation on 560 cores (20 nodes) takes

julia> @time for i = 1:10; pmapreduce(f, +, 1:nworkers()); end
145.963834 seconds (2.53 M allocations: 856.693 MiB, 0.12% gc time)

julia> @time for i = 1:10; pmapreduce(f, elsum, 1:nworkers()); end
133.810309 seconds (2.53 M allocations: 856.843 MiB, 0.13% gc time)

An example of a mapreduce operation involving large arrays (comparable to the memory allocated to each core) evaluated on 56 cores is

julia> @everywhere f(x) = ones(12_000, 20_000);

julia> @time ParallelUtilities.pmapreduce(f, elsum, 1:nworkers());
 36.824788 seconds (26.40 k allocations: 1.789 GiB, 0.05% gc time)

Comparison with other parallel mapreduce packages

Other packages that perform parallel mapreduce are ParallelMapReduce and Transducers. The latter provides a foldxd function that performs an associative distributed mapfold. The performances of these functions compared to this package (measured on 1 node with 28 cores) are listed below:

julia> @everywhere f(x) = ones(10_000, 10_000);

julia> A = @time ParallelUtilities.pmapreduce(f, +, 1:nworkers());
 10.105696 seconds (14.03 k allocations: 763.511 MiB)

julia> B = @time ParallelMapReduce.pmapreduce(f, +, 1:nworkers(), algorithm = :reduction_local);
 30.955381 seconds (231.93 k allocations: 41.200 GiB, 7.63% gc time, 0.23% compilation time)

julia> C = @time Transducers.foldxd(+, 1:nworkers() |> Transducers.Map(f));
 30.154166 seconds (655.40 k allocations: 41.015 GiB, 8.65% gc time, 1.03% compilation time)

julia> A == B == C

Note that at present the performances of the pmapreduce* functions defined in this package are not comparable to equivalent MPI implementations. For example, an MPI mapreduce operation using MPIMapReduce.jl computes an inplace sum over 10_000 x 10_000 matrices on each core in

3.413968 seconds (3.14 M allocations: 1.675 GiB, 2.99% gc time)

whereas this package computes it in

julia> @time ParallelUtilities.pmapreduce(f, elsum, 1:nworkers());
  7.264023 seconds (12.46 k allocations: 763.450 MiB, 1.69% gc time)

This performance gap might reduce in the future.


The timings have all been measured on Julia 1.6 on an HPC cluster that has nodes with with 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz CPUs ("Broadwell", 14 cores/socket, 28 cores/node). They are also measured for subsequent runs after an initial precompilation step. The exact evaluation time might also vary depending on the cluster load.

Known issues

  1. This package currently does not implement a specialized mapreduce for arrays, so the behavior might differ for specialized array argument types (eg. DistributedArrays). This might change in the future.

  2. This package deals with distributed (multi-core) parallelism, and at this moment it has not been tested extensively alongside multi-threading. Multithreading + multiprocessing has been tested where the number of threads times the number of processes equals the number of available cores. See an example of multithreading used in such a form, where each node uses threads locally, and reduction across nodes is performed using multiprocessing.