
This package lets one compute three variants of vector spherical harmonic (VSH) in different bases following the notation of Varshalovich et al. (1988).

Vector harmonics

The first (and fundamental) harmonic is the eigenfucntion of the irreducible representatation of total angular momentum $\mathbf{J} = \mathbf{L}\oplus\mathbf{S}$, with the spin eigenfunctions $\chi_\mu$ being vectors (corresponding to $s=1$ and $\mu\in\{-1,0,1\}$, and satisfying $S^2\chi_\mu = 2\chi_\mu$ and $S_z\chi_\mu = \mu\chi_\mu$). The basis spanned by these spin eigenfunctions are referred to as the spherical basis (not to be confused with the spherical polar basis). These vector spherical harmonics may be defined in terms of scalar spherical harmonics $Y_{L m}\left(\hat{n}\right)$ as

\[\mathbf{Y}_{J M}^L\left(\hat{n}\right) = \sum_{m \mu} C^{J M}_{L m 1 \mu} Y_{L m}\left(\hat{n}\right) \chi_\mu,\]

where $C^{J M}_{L m 1 \mu}$ are Clebsch-Gordan coefficients corresponding to the sum of momenta. These vector spherical harmonics satisfy

\[\begin{aligned} J^{2}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =J\left(J+1\right)\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ J_{z}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =M\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ L^{2}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =L\left(L+1\right)\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ S^{2}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =2\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right). \end{aligned}\]

In this package we refer to these harmonics as Irreducible.

The two other sets of harmonics are linear combinations of the Irreducible ones. The first set, referred to as Hansen harmonics, are given by

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(-1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =-\sqrt{\frac{J+1}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J+1}\left(\hat{n}\right)+\sqrt{\frac{J}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J-1}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\sqrt{\frac{J}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J+1}\left(\hat{n}\right)+\sqrt{\frac{J+1}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J-1}\left(\hat{n}\right), \end{aligned}\]

The Hansen VSH basis is related to scalar spherical harmonics through

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(-1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\mathbf{n}Y_{JM}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\frac{-i}{\sqrt{J\left(J+1\right)}}\left(\mathbf{n}\times\bm{\nabla}_{\Omega}\right)Y_{JM}\left(\hat{n}\right)=\frac{\hat{\mathbf{L}}}{\sqrt{J\left(J+1\right)}}Y_{JM}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{J\left(J+1\right)}}\bm{\nabla}_{\Omega}Y_{JM}\left(\hat{n}\right). \end{aligned}\]

The third set, referred to as PB harmonics following their use by Phinney and Burridge (1973), are related to the Hansen harmonics through

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{P}_{JM}^{+1}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)-\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)\right),\\ \mathbf{P}_{JM}^{0}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(-1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{P}_{JM}^{-1}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)+\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)\right). \end{aligned}\]

Properties of VSH

Each set of vector spherical harmonics form a complete, orthonormal basis to decompose 3D vector fields on a sphere.

\[\int_{0}^{\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\mathbf{Y}_{J^{\prime}M^{\prime}}^{L^{\prime}\dagger}\left(\hat{n}\right)\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right)\sin\theta d\theta d\phi=\delta_{J^{\prime}J}\delta_{M^{\prime}M}\delta_{L^{\prime}L}.\]

The various VSH also satisfy some variant of local orthogonality relations. The PB VSH satisfy


The Hansen VSH satisfy


The Irreducible VSH satisfy

\[\sum_{M}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L^{\prime}\dagger}\left(\hat{n}\right)\cdot\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{L}\left(\hat{n}\right)=0,\quad L\neq L^{\prime}.\]

In general, the Irreducible VSH satisfies the addition theorem


where the $P_L$ are Legendre polynomials. The orthogonality may be seen as a special case of the addition theorem.

Representation in a basis

There are four different orthonormal bases provided by this package in which the vector spherical harmonics may be represented:

  1. Cartesian basis ($\hat{x}$, $\hat{y}$ and $\hat{z}$)
  2. Polar basis ($\hat{r}$, $\hat{\theta}$ and $\hat{\phi}$)
  3. SphericalCovariant basis ($\chi_\mu$, that are eigenfunctions of $S^2$ and $S_z$, where $\mu\in\{-1,0,1\}$)
  4. HelicityCovariant basis ($\mathbf{e}_\mu$, that are eigenfunctions of $S^2$ and $\mathbf{S}\cdot\hat{r}$, where $\mu\in\{-1,0,1\}$)

The vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{Y}_{J M}^\alpha$ may be expanded in a basis $\mathbf{v}_\beta$ as

\[\mathbf{Y}_{J M}^\alpha = Y_{J M}^{\alpha \beta} \mathbf{v}_\beta,\]

where the components $Y_{J M}^{\alpha \beta}$ may be expressed as a matrix in the variables $\alpha$ and $\beta$. This package evaluates these matrices of coefficients given a harmonic type and a basis set.

The function to evaluate such a matrix is vshbasis. As an example, to evaluate the components of $\mathbf{Y}_{10}^1(\pi/3, \pi/3)$ in the spherical polar basis, we may use

julia> vshbasis(Irreducible(), Polar(), 1, 0, 1, π/3, π/3)
3-element StaticArrays.SVector{3, ComplexF64} with indices SOneTo(3):
  1.6776734621228342e-19 - 1.3874241933809394e-17im
  -4.803764873421188e-18 - 1.0513783175449769e-18im
 -2.4687675144565694e-18 + 0.29920671030107454im

In general it's possible to general the entire matrix for one (J,M) in one-go, eg.

julia> Y = vshbasis(Irreducible(), Polar(), 1, 0, π/3, π/3)
3×3 OffsetArray(::StaticArrays.SMatrix{3, 3, ComplexF64, 9}, 1:3, 0:2) with eltype ComplexF64 with indices 1:3×0:2:
  0.141047+0.0im   1.67767e-19-1.38742e-17im     -0.199471+2.37624e-18im
 -0.244301+0.0im  -4.80376e-18-1.05138e-18im     -0.172747+9.59881e-19im
       0.0+0.0im  -2.46877e-18+0.299207im     -1.16773e-19+1.28643e-17im

The matrix elements Y[α, n] in this case represent the component $[\mathbf{Y}_{10}^n(\pi/3, \pi/3)]^\alpha$. For example, the component $\mathbf{Y}_{10}^1(\pi/3, \pi/3)\cdot\hat{r}$ is given by Y[1,1], the component $\mathbf{Y}_{10}^1(\pi/3, \pi/3)\cdot\hat{\theta}$ is given by Y[2,1] while the the component $\mathbf{Y}_{10}^0(\pi/3, \pi/3)\cdot\hat{\theta}$ is given by Y[2,0]. Note that the VSH superscript always corresponds to the second axis of the matrix, whereas the basis coresponds to the first axis. The indices of the VSH directly correspond those of the matrix, whereas the first axis of the matrix has indices -1:1 for SphericalCovariant and HelicityCovariant bases, and 1:3 for Polar and Cartesian bases.

For the complex bases SphericalCovariant and HelicityCovariant, the matrix elements represent the contravariant components of the vector harmonics in the respective basis.

The PB basis is of particular importance, as it is locally diagonal in the helicity basis.

julia> vshbasis(PB(), HelicityCovariant(), 1, 0, π/3, π/3)
3×3 OffsetArray(::LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{ComplexF64, StaticArrays.SVector{3, ComplexF64}}, -1:1, -1:1) with eltype ComplexF64 with indices -1:1×-1:1:
 -0.299207-1.79592e-18im           ⋅               ⋅
           ⋅              0.244301+0.0im           ⋅
           ⋅                       ⋅      0.299207-4.35925e-18im

The vectors harmonics themselves, therefore, are orthogonal at each point. One may obtain the diagonal elements through the function genspharm.

julia> genspharm(1, 0, π/3, π/3)
3-element OffsetArray(::StaticArrays.SVector{3, ComplexF64}, -1:1) with eltype ComplexF64 with indices -1:1:
 -0.2992067103010745 - 1.7959178942769708e-18im
 0.24430125595146002 + 0.0im
  0.2992067103010745 - 4.359250168826542e-18im

The diagonal elements of the PB VSH basis are related to the Wigner d-matrix through


and the elements for $\alpha=0$ are scalar spherical harmonics


One may also compute the matrices for a range of modes using the iterators provided by SphericalHarmonicModes.jl. As an example, we may evaluate the matrices for all M for J = 1:3 as

julia> using SphericalHarmonicModes

julia> Y = vshbasis(Irreducible(), Polar(), ML(1:3), π/3, π/3);

This returns a vector that may be indexed using (j,m) to obtain the individual component matrices as

julia> Y[(1,0)]
3×3 OffsetArray(::StaticArrays.SMatrix{3, 3, ComplexF64, 9}, 1:3, 0:2) with eltype ComplexF64 with indices 1:3×0:2:
  0.141047+0.0im   1.67767e-19-1.38742e-17im     -0.199471+2.37624e-18im
 -0.244301+0.0im  -4.80376e-18-1.05138e-18im     -0.172747+9.59881e-19im
       0.0+0.0im  -2.46877e-18+0.299207im     -1.16773e-19+1.28643e-17im


For performance reasons, it is prudent to pre-allocate a set of scalar spherical harmonics that are used to compute the vector harmonics. This may be carried out using the function cache as

julia> S = VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache(π/3, π/3, 30);

This cache may be passed to vshbasis as the last argument as

julia> vshbasis(PB(), HelicityCovariant(), 1, 0, π/3, π/3, S)
3×3 OffsetArray(::LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{ComplexF64, StaticArrays.SVector{3, ComplexF64}}, -1:1, -1:1) with eltype ComplexF64 with indices -1:1×-1:1:
 -0.299207-1.79592e-18im           ⋅               ⋅
           ⋅              0.244301+0.0im           ⋅
           ⋅                       ⋅      0.299207-4.35925e-18im

This will help performance as repeated evaluations may be avoided.

julia> @btime vshbasis(PB(), HelicityCovariant(), 1, 0, π/3, π/3, $S);
  201.503 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)


There are special methods defined to compute vector spherical harmonics at the poles. One may use the NorthPole and SouthPole types defined in SphericalHarmonics.jl to evaluate these.

julia> using SphericalHarmonics: NorthPole

julia> vshbasis(Irreducible(), Polar(), 1, 0, NorthPole(), 0)
3×3 OffsetArray(::StaticArrays.SMatrix{3, 3, ComplexF64, 9}, 1:3, 0:2) with eltype ComplexF64 with indices 1:3×0:2:
 0.282095+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  -0.398942+0.0im
     -0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im
      0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im

The vector spherical harmonics are non-zero at the poles only for $m=0,\pm 1$.

Rotation of coordinates

We assume that a point has the coordinates $\hat{n}=(\theta_1,\phi_1)$ in the frame $S_1$ and $\hat{n}^\prime=(\theta_2,\phi_2)$ in the frame $S_2$, where the two frames are related by a rotation $S_2 = R S_1$. Under this rotation, vector spherical harmonics at the point computed in the two frames are related by


where $D_{MM^{\prime}}^{J}$ are elements of the Wigner D-matrix. This relation holds for all the harmonics defined here. An important point to note here is that the new vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{Y}_{JM^{\prime}}^{\prime\alpha}\left(\hat{n}^\prime\right)$ are computed about the rotated set of axes $S_2$, whereas $\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{\alpha}\left(\hat{n}\right)$ are evaluated about $S_1$. In particular, if we refer to the spherical covariant basis in the frame $S_1$ as $\chi_\mu$ and that in $S_2$ as $\chi^{\prime}_\mu$, we may define the Irreducible harmonics as

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{Y}_{jn}^{\ell}\left(\hat{n}\right)&=\sum_{\alpha\mu}C_{\ell\alpha1\mu}^{jn}Y_{\ell\alpha}\left(\hat{n}\right)\chi_{\mu},\\\mathbf{Y}_{jm^{\prime}}^{\prime\ell}\left(\hat{n}^{\prime}\right)&=\sum_{\alpha\mu}C_{\ell\alpha1\mu}^{jm^{\prime}}Y_{\ell\alpha}\left(\hat{n}^{\prime}\right)\chi_{\mu}^{\prime}. \end{aligned}\]

We may also construct the vector harmonic $\mathbf{Y}_{JM^{\prime}}^{\alpha}\left(\theta_{2},\phi_{2}\right)$, this time using the basis $\chi_\mu$ in the frame $S_1$. We refer to the point $(\theta_2,\phi_2)$ as $\hat{n}^\prime$ in $S_1$, which has the same coordinates as the point $\hat{n}^\prime$ in $S_2$, but differs in the choice of axes used to define the coordinates. We may express this harmonic as


We may use the vector rotation relation $\chi^{\prime}_{\mu}=U(R)\chi_{\mu}$ given the rotation operator $U(R)$ to obtain


Here the rotation $U(R)$ only acts on the vector basis, and may be throught of as $I⊗U(R)$ in its action on the vector harmonics. We may represent the operator as $U(R)=\left|\chi_{\mu}^{\prime}\right\rangle \left\langle \chi_{\mu}\right|$. Inverting this relation, and using the rotation relation from above, we obtain


In the Cartesian basis, we obtain

\[\begin{aligned} \left[\mathbf{Y}_{jm^{\prime}}^{\ell}\left(\hat{n}^{\prime}\right)\right]^{p}&=\left\langle \mathbf{e}_{p}\right|U\left(R^{-1}\right)\left|\mathbf{e}_{q}\right\rangle \left\langle \mathbf{e}_{q}\right|\sum_{n}D_{nm^{\prime}}^{j}\left(R\right)\mathbf{Y}_{jn}^{\ell}\left(\hat{n}\right)\\&=R_{pq}^{-1}\sum_{n}D_{nm^{\prime}}^{j}\left(R\right)\left[\mathbf{Y}_{jn}^{\ell}\left(\hat{n}\right)\right]^{q}. \end{aligned}\]

where $R_{pq}$ are elements of the rotation matrix. Similar relations may be obtained in other bases by transforming to the corresponding rotation matrix in each base. If the matrix $A$ transforms between the Cartesian and the other basis, satisfying $A_{ij}=\left\langle \mathbf{e}_{j}|\mathbf{e}_{i}^{\prime}\right\rangle$, we obtain the rotation matrix $R^{\prime}=A^{*}RA^{T}$ and the relation


We may also choose a basis that is coordinate-dependent, such as the polar or the helicity basis. In this case the rotation matrix becomes $R^{\prime}=A(\hat{n})^{*}RA(\hat{n}^\prime)^{T}$, and the same relation still holds.

Similar relations may also be obtained for the other harmonics.


Hansen <: AbstractVSH

Hansen vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{H}_{J M}^{(\lambda)}\left(\hat{n}\right)$ that are related to the Irreducible harmonics through

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(-1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =-\sqrt{\frac{J+1}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J+1}\left(\hat{n}\right)+\sqrt{\frac{J}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J-1}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\sqrt{\frac{J}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J+1}\left(\hat{n}\right)+\sqrt{\frac{J+1}{2J+1}}\mathbf{Y}_{JM}^{J-1}\left(\hat{n}\right), \end{aligned}\]

Irreducible <: AbstractVSH

Vector spherical harmonics that are eigenfunctions of irreducible representationa of total, orbital as well as spin angular momenta. They may be constructed by coupling scalar spherical harmonics $Y_{L m}\left(\hat{n}\right)$ with the spherical basis vectors $\chi_\mu$ as

\[\mathbf{Y}_{J M}^L\left(\hat{n}\right) = \sum_{m \mu} C^{J M}_{L m 1 \mu} Y_{L m}\left(\hat{n}\right) \chi_\mu,\]

PB <: AbstractVSH

Phinney-Burridge vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{P}_{J M}^\gamma\left(\hat{n}\right)$ that are related to the Hansen harmonics through

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{P}_{JM}^{+1}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)-\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)\right),\\ \mathbf{P}_{JM}^{0}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(-1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right),\\ \mathbf{P}_{JM}^{-1}\left(\hat{n}\right) & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(1\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)+\mathbf{H}_{JM}^{\left(0\right)}\left(\hat{n}\right)\right). \end{aligned}\]

basisconversionmatrix(B1, B2, θ, ϕ)

Return the matrix that converts the components of a vector from the basis B1 to the basis B2 at the point (θ,ϕ).


For the complex bases SphericalCovariant and HelicityCovariant, the matrix transforms the contravariant components between bases.


julia> v = [1,0,0] # x
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> θ, ϕ = pi/2, 0
(1.5707963267948966, 0)

julia> M = VectorSphericalHarmonics.basisconversionmatrix(Cartesian(), Polar(), θ, ϕ)
3×3 StaticArrays.SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
  1.0          0.0   6.12323e-17
  6.12323e-17  0.0  -1.0
 -0.0          1.0   0.0

julia> M * v # polar coordinates along r, θ, ϕ
3-element StaticArrays.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
cache!(S, θ, ϕ, [jmax])

Update a pre-allocated set of scalar spherical harmonics $Y_{j m}(\theta,\phi)$. The cutoff jmax corresponds to the maximum degree of vector harmonics that we seek to evaluate. If this is not provided, the cutoff angular degree in S will remain unchanged.

cache([T::Type = Float64], θ, ϕ, jmax)

Pre-allocate a set of scalar spherical harmonics $Y_{j m}(\theta,\phi)$ that go into evaluating the vector harmonics. The cutoff jmax corresponds to the maximum degree of vector harmonics that we seek to evaluate.

The type T sets the precision used to evaluate the harmonics. The spherical harmonics evaluated will be of type Complex{T}.

genspharm(modes::Union{SphericalHarmonicModes.LM, SphericalHarmonicModes.ML}, θ, ϕ, [S = maximum(SphericalHarmonicModes.l_range(modes))])

Evaluate the diagonal elements of the Phinney-Burridge (PB) vector spherical harmonics in the HelicityCovariant basis for all modes (j,m) in modes.

A pre-allocated array of scalar spherical harmonics S may be passed as the final argument. This may be generated using VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache.

genspharm(j, m, θ, ϕ, [S = VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache(θ, ϕ, j)])

Evaluate the diagonal elements of the Phinney-Burridge (PB) vector spherical harmonics in the HelicityCovariant basis for one mode (j,m). Returns an array Y whose elements Y[n] are given by

\[Y_{jm}^N(\theta,\phi) = \left[\mathbf{P}_{j m}^N(θ, ϕ)\right]^N\]

These components are referred to as "generalized spherical harmonics" by Dahlen & Tromp (1998), which is the nomenclature used here.

A pre-allocated array of scalar spherical harmonics S may be passed as the final argument. This may be generated using VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache.

vshbasis(Y::AbstractVSH, B::Basis, j::Integer, m::Integer, θ, ϕ, [S = VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache(θ, ϕ, j)])

Evaluate a set of vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{Y}_{j m}^\alpha(θ, ϕ)$ for valid values of $\alpha$, and return their components in the basis B. A pre-allocated array of scalar spherical harmonics S may be passed as the final argument. This may be generated using VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache.

vshbasis(Y::AbstractVSH, B::Basis, modes::Union{SphericalHarmonicModes.LM, SphericalHarmonicModes.ML}, θ, ϕ, [S = maximum(SphericalHarmonicModes.l_range(modes))])

Evaluate a set of vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{Y}_{j m}^\alpha(θ, ϕ)$ for valid values of $\alpha$ for all (j,m) in modes, and return their components in the basis B. A pre-allocated array of scalar spherical harmonics S may be passed as the final argument. This may be generated using VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache.

vshbasis(Y::AbstractVSH, B::Basis, j::Integer, m::Integer, n::Integer, θ, ϕ, [S = VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache(θ, ϕ, j)])

Evaluate the components of the vector spherical harmonics $\mathbf{Y}_{j m}^n(θ, ϕ)$ in the basis B. A pre-allocated array of scalar spherical harmonics S may be passed as the final argument. This may be generated using VectorSphericalHarmonics.cache.
